Marham Aviation Heritage Centre
The original history room was situated on base in the Ops Block but this was closed when Marham became the RAF’s main Tornado base and space was in short supply. Fortunately, some of those involved with the history room boxed everything up and began the search for a new location.
A suitable building came up that was outside of the ‘wire’ and would therefore not have the same security issues for members of the public. Led by Steve Roberts, the team put together a convincing case and was granted the building, the old Roman Catholic church. It was then a question of putting the building to good use! And that has certainly been done by the team. The collection continues to grow as more artefacts are donated or loaned, and veterans share their memories of Marham. Every day we are open brings more insights and information!
Location: Close to the main gate of RAF Marham.
Opening Times: Tuesday and Wednesday 0900 to 1660; last Saturday of the month 0900 to 1600.
Group Visits: Groups can visit during normal hours, although it is best to contact us beforehand. Group visits can be arranged outside of normal hours.
Cost: Entry is FREE, donations always welcome!
NOTE: There is no access to the active part of RAF Marham.